In article <>,
MRAB  <> wrote:
>Aahz wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> MRAB  <> wrote:
>>> I've been working on a new implementation of the re module. The details
>>> are at, specifically from
>>> I've included a .pyd file for
>>> Python 2.6 on Windows if you want to try it out.
>> How does it handle the re module's unit tests?
>Basically, it passes all those tests I expect it to pass. :-)
>It fails those where the intended behaviour has changed, such as re.sub
>treating unmatched groups as empty strings, as requested in

Then you should definitely publish to PyPI and post a message to to get more users.
Aahz (           <*>

"Many customs in this life persist because they ease friction and promote
productivity as a result of universal agreement, and whether they are
precisely the optimal choices is much less important." --Henry Spencer

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