On 2005-04-22, Will McGugan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> How *do* you pronounce it?  "Thurrow" seems to match
>> how I say the word, along with everyone else I've
>> ever met (until now?).
> I would pronounce it like 'thurra', since I'm Scottish. It always makes 
> me cringe when Americans pronounce 'Edinburgh' as 'edin-burrow' rather 
> then 'edin-burra'.

The city in Pennsylvania is spelled "Edinboro", so there are a
few people over here with a decent excuse.

And it could be worse, we could call it "edun-burg".

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I feel like I'm
                                  at               in a Toilet Bowl with a
                               visi.com            thumbtack in my forehead!!

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