Steven D'Aprano <st...@removethis.cybersource.com.au> wrote:
On 2009-06-14 14:04:02 +0100, Steven D'Aprano
<st...@removethis.cybersource.com.au> said:
I think I'm paraphrasing Richard Feynman here, but the
only way to truly understand something is to do it.
An amazingly inappropriate quote for a *theoretical* physicist to have said.
Who got his start *doing* calculations for the Manhattan (atomic bomb)
project, and checking them against real results. Like it or not, they
'did' it is a big way.
He got his Nobel Prize for finding out how to *do* calculations that
matched quantum mechanics experiments. (or something like that).
His early bobby was picking locks and cracking safes -- mostly as a way
to understand them. It was not enough for him to just read about them.