On 6/15/09, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> Phil Runciman wrote:
> >
> > Gain access to one of the IEEE or ACM web sites and their resources.
> > I used to sneak into my local university library before the 'Net to
> > read this stuff.
> >
> > Beyond that I check up on the reading lists for CS students from time
> > to time. This often throws up real gems and prevents me from being
> > blind-sided.
> >
>  For those who are not rich, MIT has put a lot of courseware on the web,
> including in particular, CS, for free.  And there is lots more put up by
> professors and departments elsewhere.  There are free language manuals and
> interpreters/compilers for those who want to stretch their brain that way.

The MIT Online Course Ware starts here:


I downloaded the Mathematics for Computer Science course: ~9MB. Looks
to be excellent!

Do you have links to share for the other materials?

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