Aahz wrote:
In article <mailman.2139.1245994218.8015.python-l...@python.org>,
Tom Reed  <tomree...@gmail.com> wrote:
Why no trees in the standard library, if not as a built in? I searched the archive but couldn't find a relevant discussion. Seems like a glaring omission considering the batteries included philosophy, particularly balanced binary search trees. No interest, no good implementations, something other reason? Seems like a good fit for the collections module. Can anyone shed some light?

What do you want such a tree for?  Why are dicts and the bisect module
inadequate?  Note that there are plenty of different tree implementations
available from either PyPI or the Cookbook.
A hash table is very different to a BST. They are both useful. The bisect module I'm not familiar with, I'll have to look into that, thanks.

I have found pyavl on the web, it does the job ok, but there no implementations for python3 that I know of.

Simple example usage case: Insert string into data structure in sorted order if it doesn't exist, else retrieve it.


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