Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
In message <692b7ae8-0c5b-498a->, namekuseijin wrote:
On May 8, 6:48 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
In message <gu269i$>, namekuseijin wrote:
Carl Banks escreveu:
2. However, functional programming is cryptic at some level no matter
how nice you make the syntax.
When your program is nothing but function definition and function
application, syntax is meaningless.
On the contrary, syntax is vital to the correct interpretation of
functional constructs. See, for example,
Yeah, it's important in an imperative language ...
That was an example of functional programming.
I noticed the use of list comprehensions. The fact that list
comprehensions are only available as predefined syntax in Python is
noticed too.