Bret Fledderjohn wrote:

2009/4/29 David Robinow < <>>

    On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 9:29 AM,  <
    <>> wrote:
     > To reiterate, I responded to this thread because I think Ben's
     > gave an unfair impression of the site and i felt the need to address
     > some misconceptions. I am sorry you failed to find the videos, but
     > many tens of thousands are found every week and I really haven't
     > of anyone failing to find their way to the content. In this sense I
     > think you are exceptional.
    Count me as one who couldn't find his way. I'm not usually very
    sympathetic to whining about Gui's that aren't perfect, but this one
    is beyond my ability to traverse.
    I'd really like to view some of the content. I have no concern about
    the licensing; I have no intent to redistribute. Why do you make it so
    How about an ftp site with a directory of videos? That I could

Not sure why navigation has been a problem, I was able to follow it. A bit too many choices to get to the same place in round about ways, but I was able to navigate it. This thread has piqued my interest, so having done no real GUI programming in Python, I am going to try out Kyran's wxPython tutorial.

I recently watched a Crunchy video by following a direct link from the Crunchy site. Because of this thread, I decided to try starting at the top == . I felt disoriented at first because I kept clicking on what turned out to be series boxes (on the right) and never got to a video.

Suggestion: When I entered 'Python' in the search box, I got a page with rectangular boxes representing paths, series, and videos. But each was clearly labeled as such and in different colors. Extending the same to regular pages and not just search would be helpful I think.

Terry Jan Reedy


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