In message <jo2dnwpluopxvwjunz2dnuvz_qudn...@posted.usinternet>, Grant 
Edwards wrote:

> On 2009-04-26, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand>
> wrote:
>> In message <_vqdnf6pny1gymzunz2dnuvz_qcdn...@posted.visi>, Grant Edwards
>> wrote:
>>> ... if one didn't care about backwards-compatiblity with old e-mail
>>> apps, then one would use a less broken mailbox format like
>>> maildir.
>> It's only in the proprietary-software world that we need to worry about
>> backward compatibility with old, obsolete software that the vendors
>> cannot or will not fix. In the Free Software world, we fix the software
>> to bring it up to date.
> Who's "we"?  Are you volunteering to fix all of the MUAs and
> MTAs out there that have mbox code in them that do follow the
> rules to make them compatible with _one_ broken library module?

All the MUAs and MTAs I'm aware of that are worth bothering about have the 
option to support maildir format these days.


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