
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 7:13 PM, Stef Mientki <stef.mien...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello,
> For several reasons I still use Python version 2.5.
> I understand that the print-statement will be replaced in Python version
> 3.0.
> At the moment I want to extend the print statement with an optional
> traceback.
> So I've 2 options:
> 1- make a new function, like "eprint ()", where "e" stands for extended
> print
> 2- make a function "print()" that has the extended features

I usually have a tools module/package (depending on size of my
project, mostly a module) that defines an "emit([object, ...][, sep='
'][, end='\n'][, file=sys.stdout])" -- this corresponds

I found that to be the handiest solution, however I'm too much of an
idiot to use it as a gobally available module right now :) (Yeah I
know DRY....)



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