For several reasons I still use Python version 2.5.
I understand that the print-statement will be replaced in Python version
At the moment I want to extend the print statement with an optional
So I've 2 options:
1- make a new function, like "eprint ()", where "e" stands for extended
2- make a function "print()" that has the extended features
Now I guess that one of the reasons to change print from a statement to
a function,
is the option to override and extend it.
If that's so, choice 2 would be the best choice.
Is that assumption correct ?
Suppose the second choice is the best,
I can now create a function "print",
and have the best of 2 worlds, get my extension and being prepared for
the future.
def print ( *args ) :
for arg in args :
print arg,
print ('____________ Print Traceback ____________')
do_extended printer actions
Now doesn't seem to be allowed,
nor is there an import from __future__ :-(
What's the best solution (other than moving to 2.6 or up ?
Stef Mientki