On 2009-04-13, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message <boqdnxdu-cwde3zunz2dnuvz_iydn...@posted.usinternet>, Grant 
> Edwards wrote:
>> On Linux: no.
> What about this <http://www.tibbo.com/vspdl.php>.

It's a kernel-mode serial driver that talks to an
Ethernet-attached device server.  We were talking about an
application in user-space creating a virtual serial port
weren't we?

If the question was can one write a kernel-mode serial driver
for Unix systems (e.g. Linux), then the answer is obviously
"yes". There's no doubt you can implement a serial device if
you write a serial driver kernel module: there are dozens of
such drivers.

Most of them talk to UARTs on a local ISA or PCI bus boards.
There are also quite a few that talk to USB-attached hardware,
and there are probably at least a half-dozen companies that
sell Ethernet-attached serial hardware with Linux drivers. (I
maintained an Ethernet-attached serial driver for one of those
vendors for many years).


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