On 2009-04-12, JanC <use...@janc.invalid> wrote:
> Grant Edwards wrote:
>> On 2009-04-10, Stuart Davenport <stuart.davenp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I am trying to work out if its possible, to create a virtual serial
>>> port with Python?
>> On Linux: no.
> I wonder if there is no way to emulate ptys from userspace?

Didn't I just answer that question?

On Linux: no.

There have been a couple projects that attempted to allow
drivers to be written in user-space.


However, AFAICT, both of these projects are defunct and neither
provided an interface to the TTY layer.  Without a tty-layer
interface, you would have to duplicate the entire tty layer in
your user-space driver driver as well.

> (Like you can use FUSE to implement filesystems in python.)


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