Peter Billam wrote:
I've been trying (newbie warning still on) tkinter with python3.0,
and I'm getting to that stage where I'm beginning to think there
must be a better a way to do this...  But I'm unsure if the
big names Qt, Gtk and Wx are available for Py3 yet - e.g. doesn't
seem to show any... What's the gossip on these toolkits for Py3 ?

Well, here are my biases (you will only get biased answers, because
this is clearly a taste question).

Tkinter: solid, well-established (hence fairly stable), relatively
        well-documented, comprehensible in a "from the roots" way.

Wx: a lot of mileage, looks best of the machine-independent packages
    across a raft of systems (does native interaction well), not so
    well-documented, but has a plethora of examples, comprehensible
    in a "grab and modify" way.

Qt: simplest model, well-documented, until very recently not available
    on Windows w/o a restrictive license or substantial cost.

--Scott David Daniels

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