You might also want to look in to open cascade. It supports a bunch of
standard 3d model formats (stl, iges, step) and has python bindings.
Salome is based on open cascade. However, I'm
not entirely clear on the license for this so that might be an issue. I
know the Debian lawyers had some problems with Salome because it
compiled against open cascade. I believe if you made open cascade an
optional run-time dependency it could still be a valid gpl app.

It's also important to keep in mind that what most people think of as
cad/cam is really multiple things that can be broken up into modules
(cad/cam/fea). Those can also be broken up into modules (fea can be
broken into meshing, pre-processing, analysis, and post-processing). It
seems like attacking things this way might be best. If you're really
serious about this (there are lots of failed Linux cad packages) I'd
suggest setting up a project on sourceforge and get a mailing list.
Post a link to the mailing list and I'll join. I can probably find some
other mailing lists that you should try to recruit from, but having a
sourceforge page and a mailing list really helps your legitimacy. 

Another interesting project is FreeCAD, which is written in C++ but
compiled against python, might
be worth looking at. 

I look forward to joining your mailing list. 

On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 01:02:22 -0800 (PST)
r <> wrote:

> Hello Josh,
> Blender is a lost cause. It is a powerful app but the UI is horrible.
> Even the Blender folks admit only a complete rewrite could solve the
> major flaws that plague the design. So maybe i could salvage some code
> but for what i have in mind, Blender will look like a piece of
> software from the middle ages. And i am absolutly only looking to do
> this in 3D, 2D is boring.
> So, yes, i have looked at both the applications you offer.
> Thanks
> --


Josh Dukes
MicroVu IT Department

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