On Feb 9, 12:58 pm, rantingrick <rantingr...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hello all, > > It has long been my dream to create an open source 3D CAD program and > i am starting to crawl my way into the first steps. I now believe i am > ready to start this endeavor and i am currently looking for fellow > Python programmers (no matter what skill level) to get started > brainstorming this design. > > I have a real good idea of the UI design and at this point i just want > to start simple and build this thing. I figure this will be a good > learning experience for myself and others and in the process i can > realize my dream. And if all this turns out to be is a learning > experience, well nobody lost. > > Of course Python will limit the speed here, but at this point i want > to get a template up and running. Speed does not matter at this point, > and optimizations can come along later as i am sure a few complete re- > writes are inevitable :) > > My initial start will cover a very simple user interface something > like VPython but much more usable as a CAD modeler. From the start > just a few simple primitives (faces, lines-segments) that will be the > building blocks for more complex models like (arcs, rectangles, > circles, polygons, cubes, spheres, etc..). > > There will need to be mouse picking as i see this application as a > very interactive environment. Of course in the beginning all > interaction will most likely be in a command line type manner until > the functionality can be worked out. > > There will need to be a hierarchy of instancing and grouping within > the model to facilitate easy transformation of entities within the > model. > > I am not too worried about any sort of texturing at this point. I want > to squeeze as much speed as possible and prettiness will come in due > course. I also have no plans for layering, or multiple scenes at this > time. Simple functionality is the end game here. > > Once the UI is there and the modeling work flow is worked out, > everything should be a component add-on from there. > > So the main points are... > > #-- Entities --# > face > line-segment > > #-- Hierarchy --# > Entity (one face, or line-segment) > Group (contained of multiple entities that can be translated, > rotated, scaled as one) > Instance (component definition) > > #-- Tools --# > line > rect > circle > arc > select > rotation > translation > scale > extrusion along path > measurement > > So there it is. Any takers? :)
I realize this isn't necessarily CAD, but... http://www.blender.org/ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list