Considering what I found in the ipython mailing archives
and the fact, that after the fix with displaying colors on
bright backgrounds Gary had no time yet to get in touch
with me about the code I have sent him, I suppose, that
there will be no new releases addressing this problem
soon, right?

lazy at the moment, because instead of trying to fix it just
switched back to Idle ...

"Ville Vainio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> >>>>> "Claudio" == Claudio Grondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Claudio> Is it already known, that after switching the keyboard
>     Claudio> input scheme on German Windows 2000 to english USA
>     Claudio> International IPython generates \x00" instead of " when
>     Claudio> trying to input quotation marks?
> This has been reported previously - apparently it's a problem with
> Gary's readline module (or however it was called ;-), and hacking it
> solved the problem for someone. I suggest you search the ipython
> mailing list archives, or post this question there.
> -- 
> Ville Vainio


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