>>>>> "Fernando" == Fernando Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Fernando> Bummer.  I wonder, if the changes are minor and easy,
    Fernando> perhaps you (or someone else) could offer Gary to take
    Fernando> over maintenance of readline/win32?  It sounds

Someone on the ipython mailing list already had patches for it - I
think it was for Belgian keyboards. She didn't submit the patches,
just asked whether she should submit them.

    Fernando> like he is perhaps too busy to keep up with the patches
    Fernando> and improvements, so perhaps it's time for someone else
    Fernando> to take over?  That kind of library, while

Optimally, something like this should be in the pywin32 package. I
suppose it could be hosted at scipy if someone was to take over the
maintenance? It's open source, so the maintenance doesn't need to be
"transferred" - just put up version control somewhere and we'll see
what happens :-).

In the meantime I would suggest win32 users to do as I do and use a
different keyboard layout. US layout is better for programming anyway
and you learn it in a day or two. Settings->Control Panel->Regional
Options->Input Locales.

Ville Vainio   http://tinyurl.com/2prnb

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