rt8...@gmail.com wrote:
Here is a piece of C code this same guy showed me saying Pythonic
indention would make this hard to read -- Well lets see then!

I swear, before god, this is the exact code he showed me. If you don't
believe me i will post a link to the thread.

//  Warning ugly C code ahead!
if( is_opt_data() < sizeof( long double ) ) { // test for insufficient
    return TRUE; // indicate buffer empty
  } // end test for insufficient data
  if( is_circ() ) { // test for circular buffer
    if( i < o ) { // test for data area divided
      if( ( l - o ) > sizeof( long double ) ) { // test for data
        *t = ( ( long double * ) f )[ o ]; // return data
        o += sizeof( long double ); // adjust out
        if( o >= l ) { // test for out wrap around
          o = 0; // wrap out around limit
        } // end test for out wrap around
      } else { // data not contiguous in buffer
        return load( ( char * ) t, sizeof( long double ) ); // return
      } // end test for data contiguous
    } else { // data are not divided
      *t = ( ( float * ) f )[ o ]; // return data
      o += sizeof( long double ); // adjust out
      if( o >= l ) { // test for out reached limit
        o = 0; // wrap out around
      } // end test for out reached limit
    } // end test for data area divided
  } else { // block buffer
    *t = ( ( long double * ) f )[ o ]; // return data
    o += sizeof( long double ); // adjust data pointer
  } // end test for circular buffer

I do a bit of C and C++ programming and even I think that is ugly and unreadable. First of all there are 'way' to many comments. Why does he comment every single line. Second of all I've always found that brace/indent style to lead toward harder-to-read code IMHO. I think the Allman style is the most readable followed by perhaps Whitesmiths style.

Brian Vanderburg II

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