En Wed, 24 Dec 2008 16:20:17 -0200, Brad Causey
<bcau...@zerodayconsulting.com> escribió:
I am trying to do some basic log parsing, and well, I am absolutely
at this seemingly simple problem. I am by no means a novice in python,
yet this is really stumping me. I have extracted the pertinent code
and modified them to function as a standalone script. Basically I am
a log file ( in this case, testlog.log) for entries and comparing them to
entries in a safe list (in this case, safelist.lst). I have spent
hours doing this several ways and this is the most simple way I can come
I'd say the "\n" at the end of each line is the culprit.
safelist = safelistfh.readlines()
safelist = [line.strip() for line in safelistfh]
(or just strip('\n') if spaces are important); same for the other list.
def safecheck(line):
for entry in safelist:
print 'I am searching for\n'
print entry
print '\n'
print 'to exist in\n'
print line
repr() is your friend when debugging these things: print repr(entry) etc.
comp = line.find(entry)
if comp <> -1:
out = 'Failed'
out = 'Passed'
I'd use:
if entry in line: ...
Are you sure you're interested in the LAST comparison result ONLY?
Gabriel Genellina