Python Version: Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
List, I am trying to do some basic log parsing, and well, I am absolutely floored at this seemingly simple problem. I am by no means a novice in python, but yet this is really stumping me. I have extracted the pertinent code snippets and modified them to function as a standalone script. Basically I am reading a log file ( in this case, testlog.log) for entries and comparing them to entries in a safe list (in this case, safelist.lst). I have spent numerous hours doing this several ways and this is the most simple way I can come up with: <code> import string safelistfh = file('safelist.lst', 'r') safelist = safelistfh.readlines() logfh = file('testlog.log', 'r') loglines = logfh.readlines() def safecheck(line): for entry in safelist: print 'I am searching for\n' print entry print '\n' print 'to exist in\n' print line comp = line.find(entry) if comp <> -1: out = 'Failed' else: out = 'Passed' return out for log in loglines: finalentry = safecheck(log) if finalentry == 'Failed': print 'This is an internal site' else: print 'This is an external site' </code> The contents of the two files are as follows: <safelist.lst> </safelist.lst> <testlog.log> </testlog.log> It seems that no matter what I do, I can't get this to fail the " if comp <> -1:" check. (My goal is for the check to fail so that I know this is just a URL to a safe[internal] site) My assumption is that the HTTP:// is somehow affecting the searching capabilities of the string.find function. But I can't seem to locate any documentation online that outlines restrictions when using special characters. Any thoughts? Thanks! -Brad Causey CISSP, MCSE, C|EH, CIFI Zero Day Consulting