James Stroud wrote:
py> class mytuple(tuple):
  def magic(self, astr):
    names = astr.split()
    for name, val in zip(names, self):
      globals()[name] = val
py> t = mytuple((1,2,3))
py> t.magic('a b')
py> a
py> b


In case its not obvious:

def f():
  return mytuple((1,2,3))

f().magic('a b')

You can parameterize lobbing off values, or use more magic:

py> class mytuple(tuple):
...   def magic(self, astr):
...     names = astr.split()
...     for name, val in zip(names, self):
...       globals()[name] = val
...   def __add__(self, other):
...     if isinstance(other, tuple):
...       return mytuple(tuple.__add__(self, other))
...     else:
...       return mytuple(self[other:])
py> t = mytuple((1,2,3))
py> t + 1
(2, 3)
py> def f():
  return mytuple((1,2,3))
py> (f() + 1).magic('a b')
py> a
py> b

It's not as bad as a lot of the cynics are about to tell you it is. If it has any badness at all, it's because of the need (according to what I infer from your specification) to use the global namespace. If you want to modify a "more local" namespace, you can use some stack frame inspection to do some real magic:

py> import inspect
py> class mytuple(tuple):
  def magic(self, astr):
    names = astr.split()
    for name, val in zip(names, self):
      inspect.stack()[1][0].f_locals[name] = val
  def __add__(self, other):
    if isinstance(other, tuple):
      return mytuple(tuple.__add__(self, other))
      return mytuple(self[other:])
py> def f():
  return mytuple((6,7,8))
py> (f() + 1).magic('a b')
py> a
py> b


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