Bertilo Wennergren wrote:
Aahz wrote:

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

Bertilo Wennergren  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't suppose there is any introductory material out there that is
based on Python 3000 and that is also geared at people with a Perl
background? Too early for that I guess..

Honestly, the differences between 2.x and 3.0 are small enough that it
doesn't much matter, as long as you're not the kind of person who gets
put off by little problems.  Because so much material is for 2.x, you
may be better off just learning 2.x first and then moving to 3.x.

The main reason I waited until Python 3000 came out is
the new way Unicode is handled. The old way seemed really
broken to me. Much of what I do when I program consists
of juggling Unicode text (real Unicode text with lots of
actual characters outside of Latin 1). So in my case
learning version 2.x first might not be very convenient.
I'd just get bogged down with the strange way 2.x handles
such data. I'd rather skip that completely and just go
with the Unicode handling in 3.0.

I wouldn't have said it was broken, it's just that it was a later addition to the language and backwards compatibility is important. Tidying things which would break backwards compatibility in a big way was deliberately left to a major version, Python 3.

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