Stef asked:
/>/ As a fall-back I also use EditPlus (see
/>/ ). Its only for Windows
/but PyScripter is also only for windows ;-)
/ and its shareware so you need to pay for it. Its clip library makes it
/>/ a VERY GOOD text editor. It's a real shame there are NO text editors
/>/ with such a comprehensive and easy to modify clip library function (I
/>/ would be really pleased to be proven wrong on this last point :-) ).
/What so great about it ?
I think you would really need to try it. As I said yesterday,
I find the clip library really very useful; its simple to use
and easy to create/extend.
Here is a short piece of clip library from a HTML clip lib:
#T=Underline text
<span class="underline">^!</span>
#T=Superscript (end note)
#T=Code fragment
#T=Highligt text - yellow
<span class="highlight">^!</span>
#T=Centre text
<div align="center">
Only the text on the line after the "T#" appears in the clip lib side panel.
Double click on the text label and EditPlus inserts the clip text into the
document being edited. The "^!" is where the cursor sits after the clip
insertion. Clips can be inserted "around" existing text.
Very neat; if you use Windows its really worth a try.
*Peter Anderson*
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to
conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the
introduction of a new order of things—Niccolo Machiavelli, /The Prince/,
ch. 6