What I have done is skipped the whole Vim/Emacs obscure editor thing and
opted for PyScripter (see
http://mmm-experts.com/Products.aspx?ProductID=4 ). It might not be as
complete/complex as these other editors but it is easy to use and just
lets me get on with the task of cutting code.
As a fall-back I also use EditPlus (see
http://www.editplus.com/index.html ). Its only for Windows and its
shareware so you need to pay for it. Its clip library makes it a VERY
GOOD text editor. It's a real shame there are NO text editors with such
a comprehensive and easy to modify clip library function (I would be
really pleased to be proven wrong on this last point :-) ).
However, the best advice I think that can be given about editors is keep
trying them until you find the one YOU like. We all like different
things, especially when it comes to editors.
*Peter Anderson*
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to
conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the
introduction of a new order of things—Niccolo Machiavelli, /The Prince/,
ch. 6