Oh Python, where art thy faithful followers, thy house is crumbling, thy last breath spent, thy season draweth nigh...Ye have fought bravely for all that is good. But ye are encompassed on all sides by evil. Those who proclaim to love you are only the very same who seek your end!
Weep oh lovers of Python...Weep. For your silence brings about the hideous end to a great awesome power. Never again shall the sun shine on calm waters. Never again shall the people be free. For the betrayers have thrush the knife of iniquity slowly into thou heart, and as ye lay dying, desacrate your body like the scoundrels they are. Weep, Weep, for yourself you scondrels, you vipers...for you have done a great injustice to yourself and the world. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list