On Nov 21, 2008, at 8:58 AM, r0g wrote:

I hadn't really appreciated the consequences of this till now though
e.g. that an instance might do a = a + 1 without affecting it's siblings but that b.append("fish") would affect b for everyone. I don't know if I
will find any uses for that kind of behaviour but it doesn't hurt to
understand it :-)

Yes, it's critical to understanding any OOP language.

Isn't Python's behaviour a little peculiar in this respect though,
compared to classes in other languages?

No, it's exactly the same.

i.e. Are instances in other OO
languages like Smalltalk, C++ fully independent copies or do their
attribute names just point to one common object until reassigned like in
python? (Or have I still not it at all?!)

You're still a little confused, perhaps. But I think this will clear it up:


I wrote this to help people in exactly your situation, so please do give me feedback and let me know how it did or didn't help.

- Joe


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