On 2008-11-20, News123 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I didn't know aboug gmane.
The UI isn't as fancy as Google's, but it's a way of separating
yourself from the spammers.

> Finding a solution which doesn't penalize gmail users is still
> a good idea I think.

Of course.  One problem is that Google doesn't seem to be
interested in doing anything about the problem.

I tried to come up with filter patterns that would filter out
the spam coming from GoogleGroups, but it's a constantly moving
target: filters that work well today, don't work well tomorrow.

I finally gave up and filtered out anything posted from google. :/

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Oh my GOD -- the
                                  at               SUN just fell into YANKEE
                               visi.com            STADIUM!!

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