Odd issue I am having with class instantiation on Python 2.5.2 (Windows).

I have a custom module with a few classes in it. The module is named SAML.py.
There is a copy of it in C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\SAML.py.

Basically when I try to run a python file that tries to create an
instance of the class Subject I get this error:
AttributeError: type object 'SAML' has no attribute 'Subject'

In SAML.py I have the class...

class Subject(object):

However, when I run the same line by line by starting up python it works.

>> import SAML
>> subject = SAML.Subject("[EMAIL PROTECTED]","EMailAddress")
>>> print subject
<SAML.Subject object at 0x00C94770>
I've double checked I am loading the correct module by the usage of the -v flag.
What else should I be checking?


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