I think that rope has something like that; not really sure though.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:41 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (Sorry for any repeated recommendations.  I'm offline until Monday morning.
> You may well see some of these suggestions in the meanwhile, but so far it
> seems you've had no nibbles.)
>    Martin> I'm wondering if there's a tool that can analyze a Python
>    Martin> program while it runs, and generate a database with the types of
>    Martin> arguments and return values for each function.
> Nothing that I'm aware of.  Here are a few ideas though.
> 1. Modify the source code in question to decorate any functions you're
>   interested in, e.g.:
>    #!/usr/bin/env python
>    class ZeroDict(dict):
>        def __getitem__(self, key):
>            if key not in self:
>                return 0
>            return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
>    _argtypes = ZeroDict()
>    def note_types(f):
>        "Decorator that keeps track of counts of arg types for various 
> functions."
>        def _wrapper(*args):
>            _argtypes[(f,) + tuple([type(a) for a in args])] += 1
>            return f(*args)
>        return _wrapper
>    @note_types
>    def fib(n):
>        if n < 0:
>            raise ValueError, "n < 0"
>        if n > 1:
>            return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
>        return 1
>    @note_types
>    def fib2(n):
>        "fib() that guarantees it is dealing with ints."
>        if n < 0:
>            raise ValueError, "n < 0"
>        n = int(n)
>        if n > 1:
>            return fib2(n-1) + fib2(n-2)
>        return 1
>    if __name__ == "__main__":
>        print "fib(5) ==", fib(5)
>        print "fib(4.0) ==", fib(4.0)
>        print "fib2(5) ==", fib2(5)
>        print "fib2(4.0) ==", fib2(4.0)
>        print _argtypes
>   You can probably write a source transformation tool to decorate all
>   functions (or just use Emacs macros for a 99% solution which takes a lot
>   less time).
> 2. Look at tools like pdb.  You might be able to add a new command to
>   decorate a function in much the same way that you might set a breakpoint
>   at a given function.
> 3. Take a look at IDEs with source (like IDLE).  You might be able to coax
>   them into decorating functions then display the collected statistics when
>   you view the source (maybe display a tooltip with the stats for a
>   particular function).
> Skip
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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