On 2008-10-26 13:54, Martin Vilcans wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm wondering if there's a tool that can analyze a Python program
> while it runs, and generate a database with the types of arguments and
> return values for each function. In a way it is like a profiler, that
> instead of measuring how often functions are called and how long time
> it takes, it records the type information. So afterwards, when I'm
> reading the code, I can go to the database to see what data type
> parameter "foo" of function "bar" typically has. It would help a lot
> with deciphering old code.
> When I googled this, I learned that this is called "type feedback",
> and is used (?) to give type information to a compiler to help it
> generate fast code. My needs are much more humble. I just want a
> faster way to understand undocumented code with bad naming.

You could try the trace module:


but I'm not sure whether that includes parameter listings.

Or write your own tracing function and then plug it into your
application using sys.settrace():


The frame object will have the information you need:


in f_locals.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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