JD wrote:
It could be a very good "homework assignment".
This is for a real application.

def do_nets(pairs):
    r = {}
    for a, b in pairs:
        if a in r:
            a_net = r[a]
            if b not in a_net: # if not redundant link
                if b in r: # Need to merge nets
                    a_net |= r[b]
                    for x in r[b]:
                        r[x] = a_net
                else: # add a single node to the net
                    r[b] = a_net
        elif b in r: # add this node to another net
            r[a] = q[b]
        else: # create a new net
            r[a] = r[b] = set([a, b])
    # r holds the result nets, but each net is in values multiple times
    # So, get the unique elements in r's values.
    return dict((id(x), x) for x in r.values()).values()

for group in do_nets([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'], ['e', 'f'], ['a', 'g'],
                      ['e', 'k'], ['c', 'u'], ['b', 'p']]):
    print group

--Scott David Daniels

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