Astley Le Jasper wrote:
I'm creating mulitple instances, putting them in a list, iterating
through the list to send them to some functions where process them
with some instance specific parameters. Something along the lines of:
bob = someobject()
harry = someobject()
fred = someobject()
parameterdict = {'bob':(0,1,2),'harry':(3,4,5),'fred':(6,7,8)}
people_list = (bob, harry, fred)
for person in people_list:
def add_parameters(person)
mytuple = parameterdict[??????]
person.x = mytuple[0]
person.y = mytuple[1]
person.z = mytuple[2]
If you want an object to have a 'personal' name, give it a name
attribute, just like python does to modules, classes, and functions.
class someob():
def __init__(self,name): = name
people = {someob('bob'), someob('harry'), someob('fred')
def add_param(person):
mytuple = parameterdict[]