Petr Jakes wrote:
I have infinitive loop running script and I would like to check
something periodically after 5 seconds (minutes, hours...) time period
(I do not mean time.sleep(5) ). Till now, I have following script, but
I think there must be something more elegant.
eventFlag = False
while 1:
seconds = time.time()
if not int(seconds % (5)):
if eventFlag:
print "5 seconds, hurray"
eventFlag = False
eventFlag = True
The eventFlag is confusing. Better:
dt = 5 # for instance
event_time = time.time()
while 1:
#do every loop stuff
now = time.time()
if now >= event_time:
event_time = now + dt
If you have multiple delayed events, quite possibly each with a
different or even variable delta, store (future_time,func_to_call) pairs
in a priority queue (heapq module).
Terry Jan Reedy