
I am not an expert, but why not to use time.sleep(5)?
If you are using wxPython, you may also try wx.Timer, in which you could set
its interval.

Good luck!

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 2:07 AM, Petr Jakes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have infinitive loop running script and I would like to check
> something periodically after 5 seconds (minutes, hours...) time period
> (I do not mean time.sleep(5) ). Till now, I have following script, but
> I think there must be something more elegant.
> eventFlag = False
> while 1:
>    time.sleep(0.01)
>    seconds = time.time()
>    if not int(seconds % (5)):
>        if eventFlag:
>            print "5 seconds, hurray"
>            eventFlag = False
>    else:
>        eventFlag = True
> Best regards
> Petr Jakes
> --

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