Boris Borcic wrote:
Gerard flanagan wrote:
George Sakkis wrote:

Note that this works correctly only if the versions are already sorted
by major version.

Yes, I should have mentioned it. Here's a fuller example below. There's maybe better ways of sorting version numbers, but this is what I do.

Indeed, your sort takes George's objection too litterally, what's needed for a correct endresult is only that major versions be grouped together, and this is most simply obtained by sorting the input data in (default) string order, is it not ?

Yes, I see what you mean - the fact that a default sort orders "1.10" before "1.9" doesn't actually matter for the required result.

datadict = \
dict((k, len(list(g))) for k,g in groupby(data, lambda s: s[:3]))

And, s[:3] is wrong. So:

datadict = \
dict((k, len(list(g))) for k,g in groupby(data, lambda s:

should work, I hope.




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