Peter Otten wrote:
On Aug 10, 10:10 pm, Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
jlist wrote:
I think what makes more sense is to compare the code one most
typically writes. In my case, I always use range() and never use psyco.
But I guess for most of my work with Python performance hasn't been
a issue. I haven't got to write any large systems with Python yet,
where performance starts to matter.
Hopefully when you do you will improve your programming practices to not
make poor choices - there are few excuses for not using xrange ;)
And can you shed some light on how that relates with one of the zens
of python ?
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
For the record, the impact of range() versus xrange() is negligable -- on my
machine the xrange() variant even runs a tad slower. So it's not clear
whether Kris actually knows what he's doing.
You are only thinking in terms of execution speed. Now think about
memory use. Using iterators instead of constructing lists is something
that needs to permeate your thinking about python or you will forever be
writing code that wastes memory, sometimes to a large extent.