On Jul 21, 11:04 am, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The drawback is that it's a lot easier to mess up the edge cases if you
> do that (as this thread has shown).  The small speedup you get in
> typical cases is quickly offset by extra debugging/testing time (or, for
> that matter, arguing with c.l.py:ers over more or less contrived ways to
> interpret the original post).

I disagree, from this thread, most of the erroneous solutions have
been attempts to match the entire string.

> Guess it's up to personal preferences for how to best help others.
> Unless the OP explicitly asks for something else, I prefer to use simple
> and straight-forward solutions with reasonable execution behaviour over
> clever tricks or odd-ball solutions; it's not a JAPH contest, after all.

[^LRM] *is* a simple and straight-forward regex - it isn't attempting
to do any clever tricks or anything odd-ball.

That said, I still think the sets solution is more elegant then the
regex solutions.

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