On 20 Jul., 05:54, "Python Nutter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the hidden gems in multimedia/game production are Pyglet and
> Rabbyt. Whereas PyGame is the older api, its large and bloated and has
> of course a heavy dependency on SDL. Pyglet and Rabbyt are
> lightweight, efficient, have some amazing functions and hit native
> OpenGL in all the major OS distributions and Bruce The Presentation
> Tool utilizes the former to take on MS PowerPoint to show what you can
> do besides games =)
> Pyglet:http://pyglet.org/
> Rabbyt:http://matthewmarshall.org/projects/rabbyt/
> Bruce The Presentation Tool:http://code.google.com/p/bruce-tpt/
> Cheers,
> PN
> > In the original post you asked for "hidden gems" and now it seems you
> > just want to know about Madonna or Justin Timberlake.
> > Maybe a look on this collection helps
> >http://wiki.python.org/moin/UsefulModules
> > --
> >http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Maybe someone starts a blog with the title "Hidden Pythons"?

Just one short remark about Python game toolkits. The single reason I
won't use them is browser accessibility. It doesn't matter to me where
Python scripts are running but less so where applications are
executed. Right now I'm stuck with AS3/Flash.

Given Adobes recent OSS commitments and PyPys efforts in translating
RPython to several backends I'm not too pessimistic that we'll see
Python in the Flashplayer in a year or two from now.

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