I think the hidden gems in multimedia/game production are Pyglet and
Rabbyt. Whereas PyGame is the older api, its large and bloated and has
of course a heavy dependency on SDL. Pyglet and Rabbyt are
lightweight, efficient, have some amazing functions and hit native
OpenGL in all the major OS distributions and Bruce The Presentation
Tool utilizes the former to take on MS PowerPoint to show what you can
do besides games =)

Pyglet: http://pyglet.org/
Rabbyt: http://matthewmarshall.org/projects/rabbyt/
Bruce The Presentation Tool: http://code.google.com/p/bruce-tpt/


> In the original post you asked for "hidden gems" and now it seems you
> just want to know about Madonna or Justin Timberlake.
> Maybe a look on this collection helps
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/UsefulModules
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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