I'd say that PyGame could be a solution.

Or otherwise you could do your own audio/graphics programming (you don't tell us which OS you use, but there exist python modules that allow you to do barebones graphics & sound programming on linux...).

After some more reading I've stumbled over pyglet. Any experiences with it? It seems it does a lot of cool things, if anyone has used it more intensely I'd be happy to hear if the following things can be done:

- Linux framebuffer (16, 24 bpp) display of 2d graphics with overlays (i.e. menues, contextual areas that pop up etc.). I don't have X on the embedded device, just the regular framebuffer.
- alpha blending of several layers.
- rendering of TTF fonts and unicode, for example display of arabic text (which renders from right to left) and mixed text support like in the unicode bidirectional algorithm. - hardware caching of bitmaps for faster graphics operations (needed for tool tips or similar tasks).

I'll try to find that out myself (I'm pretty excited about the thing already ^^), but I'd be happy to hear of people who have used it already.


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