En Thu, 08 May 2008 13:17:51 -0300, delta2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

I am also using Zelle's book to teach myself programming and Python. I also
had a problem with " import math ", but the alternative of " from math
import * "  is working for me.  I don't know why one works and the other

Note that they do different things. When you execute `import math`, the math module is loaded, but the ONLY new name you get is `math`. If you want the sqrt function, you have to use math.sqrt(2) When you execute `from math import *`, the math module is loaded the same as above, but ALL the public names defined in that module are now available in the current namespace. So the sqrt function is now available simply as sqrt

Note that the form `from xxx import *` is intended mainly for usage in the interactive interpreter, for testing and playing only. If you use that form from a few modules, the namespace becomes too cluttered, then you don't know from where some name is coming, and a later import may inadvertidely replace previous names.

Gabriel Genellina


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