Decebal wrote:
I have the following class:
class Dummy():
    value = 0
    def __init__(self, thisValue):
        print thisValue
        self.value = thisValue
        value = thisValue

    def testing(self):
        print 'In test: %d' % self.value

    def returnValue(self):
        return self.value

    result = someFuntion(default = value)

But of course it doesn't work, as it tries to call someFunction and no such thing is define anywhere. But that can't be the answer to the *real* question you are trying to ask. Why don't you tell us what you are trying to do here, and we'll wee if we can help.

Gary Herron

P.S. Having a class attribute AND an instance attribute, both named "value" is going to cause trouble.


But the last line does not work.
I would like to do a call like:
    dummy = Dummy(thisValue = 12)

And that someFunction gets a default value of 12. How can I do that?


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