On May 3, 1:05 pm, Decebal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the following class:
> #####
> class Dummy():
>     value = 0
>     def __init__(self, thisValue):
>         print thisValue
>         self.value = thisValue
>         value = thisValue
>     def testing(self):
>         print 'In test: %d' % self.value
>     def returnValue(self):
>         return self.value
>     result = someFuntion(default = value)
> #####
> But the last line does not work.
> I would like to do a call like:
>     dummy = Dummy(thisValue = 12)
> And that someFunction gets a default value of 12. How can I do that?

The line
>     result = someFuntion(default = value)
is executed when the whole 'class' compound statement is executed,
before the line that creates the 'dummy' instance. Moreover, this
happens only once and not every time you create a new instance of
the class. If you want 'result' to be a class attribute that is set
every time you create a new instance move the line
>     result = someFuntion(default = value)
in the __init__ constructor (you also have to assign some value to it
just like the 'value' attribute and preffix it with Dummy. otherwise
be considered as local name of __init__):

 class Dummy():
     value  = 0
     result = 0

     def __init__(self, thisValue):
         print thisValue
         self.value   = thisValue
         Dummy.value  = thisValue
         Dummy.result = someFuntion(default = Dummy.value)

    def testing(self):

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