En Fri, 02 May 2008 16:50:46 -0300, Rich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
I am working on a python library for sending and receiving data from a
Subaru's ECU (the fuel injection computer) via the OBD-II port and an
OBD to USB cable, with the Subaru Select Monitor protocol. There are a
import serial, string
output = " "
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 4800, 8, 'N', 1, timeout=1)
while output != "":
output = ser.read()
print hex(ord(output))
The only problem is that when I send the ECU init command, it just echos
back the data I sent it, which, from my understanding, means that I sent
an invalid request packet.[...]
My best guess I have heard is that chr() isn't encoding the hex value
properly to a byte value the ECU understands (wrong endianness?), or
chr() encoding isn't always representing hex as an 8-bit byte. chr()
should always encode to an 8-bit byte (not 7-bit ASCII or anything,
correct)? Is there any way to switch byte endianness, or ensure I am
encoding 8-bit bytes? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
No, chr works as it should. The same thing can be written as
Are you sure you're talking to the right device, /dev/ttyUSB0? Are the
comm parameters correct?
(BTW, if you get more than a single character per loop, the print
statement will fail - try with ser.read(1))
Gabriel Genellina