ok.. I finally made something that works.. Please let me know what you

>>> def lines(letters):
        fin = open('words.txt')
        count = 0
        rescount = 0  # count the number of results
        results = ""  # there are words that contain the letters
        for line in fin:
                needs = 0
                x = str(line.strip())
                for ch in letters:
                        if ch not in x:
                                needs = needs + 1
                if needs == len(letters):
                        rescount += 1
                        results = results + '\n' + x
                count += 1
        print count, 'lines searched'
        print results, '\n'
        print 'result count is: ', rescount

On Apr 26, 4:02 pm, "Eric Wertman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Is the way I wrote the function inherently wrong?  What I wrote
> I would not say that.  I think a lot of people probably start off like
> that with python.  You'll find in most cases that manually keeping
> counters isn't necessary.  If you really want to learn python though,
> I would suggest using built in functions and libraries as much as
> possible, as that's where the real power comes from (IMO).
> >  returns the sequence, however I'm trying to make the output match for
> >  the letters in the string entered, not necessarily the string
> >  sequence.
> >  Only the sequence shows up 'uzi'.  I don't get words like 'unzip' or
> >  'Zurich' .  I've only barely started on invocation and maybe writing
> >  something like I'm describing is above what level I'm currently at.
> This would be a more difficult approach..   Where you are doing the
> comparison step:
> if letters in line.strip():
> It's trying to match the exact string "uzi", not any of the individual
> letters.  You would need to look for each letter independently and
> then make sure they were in the right order to match the other words.


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