Hmm.. I'm just now learning wxPython and it's very very easy to me. Perhaps
because I've delved into other GUI APIs like GLUT and Windows DirectX.
Programming in C++ seems a pain when coming from Python. I'll let you know
more when I delve more into it.
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: How is GUI programming in Python?>
> Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:17:31 -0700> To:> > On 11
> abr, 20:31, sturlamolden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > On Apr 11, 5:01 am,
> "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > wrote:> >> > > Another annoying
> thing with the Qt license is that you have to choose it> > > at the very
> start of the project. You cannot develop something using the> > > open source
> license and later decide to switch to the commercial licence> > > and buy
> it.> >> > Trolltech is afraid companies will buy one licence when the task
> is> > done, as oppsed to one license per developer. In a commercial setting,>
> > the Qt license is not expensive. It is painful for hobbyists wanting> > to
> commercialize their products.> > I have no experience with GUI programming in
> Python, but from this> discussion it seems if the type of license is not an
> issue (for FOSS> development), PyQt is the best tool because it is:> (a)
> easier to learn and intuitive for programming (this is important> to me; I am
> not that smart...);> (b) more stable (although many people have said that
> wxPython is as> stable as any other GUI nowadays; but not more stable (wx)
> than> others);> (c) more cross-platform (many people complain that they have
> to do a> lot of things in wxPython for the cross-platform).> > Is (a) and (c)
> true or not? If so, how big are these advantages?> > The great advantage of
> wxPython seems to be the huge community of> users and the large number of
> widgets/examples/applications available.> > Reformulating my question:> >
> Which GUI tool, wxPython or PyQt, is more pythonic? (Please, ignore> the
> license issue because I am thinking about FOSS)> > Laura> -- >
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