On Apr 15, 9:17 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 11 abr, 20:31, sturlamolden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Apr 11, 5:01 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > Another annoying thing with the Qt license is that you have to choose it
> > > at the very start of the project. You cannot develop something using the
> > > open source license and later decide to switch to the commercial licence
> > > and buy it.
> > Trolltech is afraid companies will buy one licence when the task is
> > done, as oppsed to one license per developer. In a commercial setting,
> > the Qt license is not expensive. It is painful for hobbyists wanting
> > to commercialize their products.
> I have no experience with GUI programming in Python, but from this
> discussion it seems if the type of license is not an issue (for FOSS
> development), PyQt is the best tool because it is:
> (a) easier to learn and intuitive for programming (this is important
> to me; I am not that smart...);
> (b) more stable (although many people have said that wxPython is as
> stable as any other GUI nowadays; but not more stable (wx) than
> others);
> (c) more cross-platform (many people complain that they have to do a
> lot of things in wxPython for the cross-platform).
> Is (a) and (c) true or not? If so, how big are these advantages?
I find the PyQt API very well designed and intuitive. You can easily
write simple cross-platform apps in wxPython or PyQt, but wxPython
tends to have sketchy support in some places. Trolltech tries really
hard to smooth over all the platform differences, so I find it a bit
> The great advantage of wxPython seems to be the huge community of
> users and the large number of widgets/examples/applications available.
> Reformulating my question:
> Which GUI tool, wxPython or PyQt, is more pythonic? (Please, ignore
> the license issue because I am thinking about FOSS)
None of them are very pythonic because they are all based on C++
toolkits. (sigh)
> Laura


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