Thus spake Kay Schluehr ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > I'm not entirely sure what you are claiming here. From source > inspections I can see that TestSuite instances are instantiated by the > TestLoader and you are free to derive from TestLoader, overwrite its > methods and pass around another instance than defaultTestLoader ( or > a fresh instance of TestLoader which is the same thing ).
... and at this point your monkeypatched framework would no longer be much more compatible with existing test suites than Pry is. > My impression is that unittest is bashed so much because it has Java > style naming conventions i.e. for bike shading reasons Do you mean bike shedding, perhaps? At any rate, your impression is mostly incorrect. Regards, Aldo -- Aldo Cortesi M: +61 419 492 863 P: +61 1300 887 007 W: --