Hi Ben,

> > We are happy to announce the first release of Pry, a unit testing
> > framework.
> Thanks for the announcement, and for the software.
> If Pry is already incompatible with xUnit (i.e. Python's 'unittest'),
> could we please have names that adhere to the Python style guide
> <URL:www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008>?
> In particular the method names 'setUp', 'setUpAll', 'tearDown',
> 'tearDownAll' don't comply with the style guide. Compliant names for
> those methods would be 'set_up', 'set_up_all', etc.

Keeping fixture setUp and tearDown names the same makes the transition
from unittest to pry easier. At the moment, converting to pry is very
simple - inherit your suites from AutoTree, rewrite tests to use
assertions, and then instantiate your suites at the end of the module.
Voila! You have a nice command-line interface, coverage analysis, and
an easy path to saner, better-engineered unit tests.

Internal consistency in this case is much more important than the style
guide, which intends only to standardise naming conventions within the
Python standard library, and even there does not go so far as to
suggest converting existing modules to the new convention. 



Aldo Cortesi
M: +61 419 492 863
P: +61 1300 887 007
W: www.nullcube.com

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