llothar wrote: > On windows everything is '.pyd' but there seems to be two ways to get > this on unix?
If you attempt to import the module "spam" on Windows, Python looks for "spam.dll" and "spam.pyd" (in addition to "spam.py/spam.pyw/spam.pyc" etc) On most Unix platforms, Python looks for "spam.so" and "spammodule.so". You can check what suffixes a given Python version uses via the "imp" module: >>> import imp >>> imp.get_suffixes() To see *where* Python is looking as well, use the "-vv" flag: $ python -vv -c "import spam" ... # trying spam.so # trying spammodule.so # trying spam.py # trying spam.pyc ... etc (-vv prints loads of stuff, so you may want to use "grep" to filter out the stuff you're interested in: $ python -vv -c "import spam" 2>&1 | grep spam or, under Windows: > python -vv -c "import spam" 2> out.txt > findstr spam out.txt ) > Why and what is the rule? If you want Python to be able to import your binary extension, make sure to use a name it looks for. </F> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list